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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 96 - January 1st (Day 43 of 65)

Well I took your advice Jay and have removed 6 of the posts! I think this will work better now. I also worked out I need a little more timber than I first worked out as some of the areas around the edge need an extra layer on the frame for the edging. Going to give the Timber Depot a go (Thanks Jay)


For this project I am going to order
  1. 45 meters of 90 x 90mm H4 treated pine for the bearers  ($11.80 / m) ~  $531 (it's interesting to note that the 90 x 45 is well less than half this price? You could simply join two together and save?)
  2. 75 meters of 90 x 45mm H4 treated pine for the trim and lead joists ($4.75 / m) ~ $357
  3. 480 meters of 90 x 19mm Merbau hardwood select grade. ($3.98 / m) ~ $1910
  4. 30 x stirrups holders and 192 x 12 mm bolts, washers and nuts. ($8.25 each + ~$6 for nuts and bolts each stirrup?)  ~ $450
  5. 76 (Horizontal) + 28 (Vertical) = 124 joist hangers for 90 x 45 mm timber ~ less than $2 each ~ $152
  6. Concrete (Found this today as well - $7.95 per 20 kg bag). I think ?? (need advice) that I need 1.5 bags per hole = 45 bags ~ $358
  7. Screws x 2000 ~ $250
Total : $4008 maximum for these items (Priced at bunnings, so I hope to get it cheaper elsewhere?)

90 x 45mm x 2.4M  H4 $11.40 each

90 x 45mm x 3.0M $14.25 each

90 x 45mm x 3.6M $17.10 each

Concrete mix - $7.95 per bag.

Found some of the other items I had listed yesterday. I already have some of the other items I need....

A quality tape measure.

A long tape measure. Not sure I will need this just yet...

Chalk line.

Two saw horses... Need to look into this a little more.

While I was there, I also noticed these letter boxes... I like the first one. You can't see it very well here (Its a stainless steel cover) but there is a letter box at the top and a junk mail area at the bottom. It's priced at $300.

These ones weren't to bad either... they are made from steel. Priced at $256. Prefer the darker one.

These ones are made from concrete.


  1. I was interested to see the letterboxes. Are they just a small (regular) letter slot? I am thinking I need to go for the bigger size - to take A4 mail without folding it.
    The junk mail slot is interesting (we have one in the letterbox at my rental home)... the junk mail delivery people around here seem to take no notice of the special place for junk mail... they just throw it on the lawn... and it gets soaked in the rain and we need to bin it! :(

  2. I'd have to measure it Terri to see if it can hold an A4 envelope? We don't really get mail this size very often (except whilst your building :>) so I don't know that it will matter?

    Need to check with the wife!


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