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Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 130 - February 4th

Got a call from our Site Supervisor this afternoon. He said they did the final check today of everything and the house passed with flying colours. I asked him if they have fixed the lights yet, as I noticed that three of them were not working. He said that they would be fixing these on the day of handover as the electricians will be back to install the rangehood etc on this day....  Yes, we haven't received any of our extra electrical items just yet. I think this is a smart move by the SS.

Still haven't received our final invoice yet either, but today we did receive our final inspection certificate. We at least it's not just my place that has this problem.  Cassandra has the same issue.

It was pretty dark again by the time I got out there, so sorry for the "night time" shot... Thought the kids might like to get in on this one....

Sometime tonight we should get this web site counter over the 10k mark!


  1. wow thats great news Richard!! Your kids look really happy!!

  2. Thanks Tonia...everyone writes Richard..I'm use to now :->


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